The process of choosing the best charity website templates for your next website boils down to three questions only. The first one is whether the charity website template you are about to use will help you to raise enough funds. The #2 question is how this particular NGO template can stimulate people to invest their personal time in your project. Finally, you need to pick one of the charity templates for non-profit projects so that it can assist you in increasing the public awareness. Of course, in most cases, a charity website is created to achieve all three goals mentioned above. But once you have a template you need, how to do you turn it into an inspiring instrument for fundraising? This is what we tried to investigate in this post – Best Charity Website Templates for Non-profit Organizations Premium & Free.

How to Make Best Charity Website Templates Work Like Clockwork

There are several steps you should take when customizing the best charity website templates:

  1. Create a clear message. Be it a women’s rights website or a website for the orphan care, your target donors, partners, and volunteers should understand what specific cause you are fighting for.
  2. Make your project look manageable. Short texts, resonant images, and the uncluttered screen accompanied with audios and videos should do the trick.
  3. Motivate to take action immediately. The smart placement of your “Donate Now”, “Volunteer Now”, and “Contact Us” call-to-action buttons should create the sense of urgency.
  4. Give your visitors space. (This idea may sound contradictory to the previous point but is nevertheless of huge importance). Let’s face it – nobody likes being rushed into making a decision, especially when it comes to money. That is why you have to treat your visitors respectfully by tracking and answering comments, addressing FAQs regularly, and suggesting alternative ways of being involved in your initiative.

Ready to go online with your charity? Then have a look at the list of best charity website templates below to find the one that reflects your vision to the fullest.

Choosing Best Charity Website Templates for a Good Cause

1. NGO Website Design for Child Charity

This children’s charities NGO website design is attention-grabbing thanks to the smart layout and the bright imagery used. Once you try this charity website template for free during a 14-day trial, you will see how easy it is to combine content blocks (e.g. social media buttons, galleries, Google Map) in whatever way you see fit.
Buy Now For $158

2. NGO Website Template for Charity Organizations

It may sound idealistic but you can actually build a truly impressive NGO website with this template within hours. Being one of the best charity website templates, Neumette is a bright example of how design details matter when it comes to donating money. Just have a look at the charity-related logo of this template!
Buy Now For $158

3. Non-Profit Organization Website Template for Orphan Care

Although this template does not belong to free charity website templates, it is quite affordable too. Packed with pre-made pages aimed at different aspects of charity. The template under analysis is 100% mobile-friendly, which is crucial for a non-profit organization website. The color scheme of this template can be easily changed with the Color Picker, the instrument responsible for generating the professional color combinations within seconds.
Buy Now For $137

4. Non-Profit Website Design for Women’s Rights Charities

This NGO website template is an example of how the bright web design can contribute to the positive shifts in understanding the women’s rights concept. Track all the customization changes live with the Visual Composer, set Progress Bar and Countdown Timer to add the interactivity to your future non-profit organization website – all thanks to the user-friendly admin panel.
Buy Now For $137

5. Charity Website Design for Non-Profit Organizations

As one of the best charity website templates, this theme is #1 choice for busy charity organizations. Aimed at charity website owners with zero expertise in the web design, the template under consideration contains 40+ animations, the Color Picker with 5 pre-modified color schemes, and – most importantly – the drag-and-drop editor.
Buy Now For $137

6. Charity MotoCMS Landing Builder

Opt for this option if you need professional and free NGO website templates. You will be surprised to see that this web design does not differ much from premium charity website templates in terms of the functionality. Feel free to view the control panel of this web theme to test all the features, like Popups, Google Web Fonts, Design Presets etc.
Free Download

7. Charity MotoCMS Landing Builder

Merciful is one of the free NGO website templates and the best charity website templates. It does not require any coding skills, which is a huge bonus for novices or non-programmers. The key design elements of this web theme look the same as those you find in high-quality charity website templates. Download Merciful and engage your prospective donors with the attractive call-to-action buttons and the powerful media library with audio and video files.
Free Download

8. Hope | Non-Profit, Charity & Donations Site Template

Being a popular NGO website template, Hope is a perfect theme for non-programmers with a fixed and relatively tight budget. Yes, this theme does not belong to free charity website templates. But let’s face it – $17 is more than affordable for a fully responsive theme with 6 months support. NB: You will not find the imagery you see in this theme ib the installation pack!
Buy Now For $17

Final Thoughts

The list above demonstrates clearly that there are quite a few web themes that can be labeled the best charity website templates. All different in terms of the layout and the design, they are equally aimed at raising funds, inspiring volunteers, and informing the public about your initiative. Aren’t these templates exactly what you need to make the difference, right?

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