
Simple Signup Form

Here is our first freebie. Simple and elegant Signup form suits every design. We love minimalism, that’s why we created this as our first freebie. The signup form has many features. Normally, most of the website have signup feature and many of them may spam users. So users are not interested to signup on every website because of this insecurity. Another reason that user is hesitating because, some of the sites may ask for our personal details that are not required. We can see that lot of signup page are taller than us.

So, the job of an UX designer is to overcome with these issues and keep it simple and welcoming user to signup. In our freebie, we can see that there is a tip under the email text box that showing why they need it. Also description below the password field helps to avoid errors may user make. Also there is a Social signup on left side with facebook and twitter, user may skip these typing and feel the security.

Now you may understand the real factors behind the Signup Form. Our mission is to provide these type of services to users that other sites don’t.

Got any Questions in mind? Comment below and we will help you.

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