Last week in design is a weekly roundup of design related news and resources. Subscribe us to receive a weekly email newsletter. Here is the roundup of Design News September 3rd week.

Animated Background Headers

A collection of animated background header effects for your inspiration. By codrops

Animated Background Headers   Demo 1

Embrace The Vertical media queries

The future of height-based media queries.  An argument for thinking beyond the width and supporting prototypes.  A presentation by Antoine Butler

Embrace The Vertical    Speaker Deck

Podcast Gift

We have shared a list of useful podcasts for designers. Now you can get the best podcasts in a  weekly newsletter.  Handpicked for quality by a panel of podcast enthusiasts.

Podcast Gift

SVG Circus – SVG animation tool

SVG Circus enables you to create cool animated SVG spinners, loaders and other looped animations in seconds.

SVG animation tool   SVG Circus

Brace HTML forms

Just send your form to our URL and we’ll forward it to your email. No PHP, Javascript or sign up required — perfect for static sites!

Brace Forms   Functional HTML forms


Briefbox is an ever growing library of quick, fun design briefs in various categories to help you improve your design skills and get your creative juices flowing.

Briefbox   Practice briefs for designers…


Midnight.js lets you switch fixed headers on the fly

Midnight.js   Switch fixed headers on the fly

Naming CSS Stuff Is Really Hard

An excellent article written by Ethan Muller

Naming CSS Stuff Is Really Hard   Sparkbox   Web Design and Development

Shufflehub (Online shopping for lazy people)

ShuffleHub aggregates all your favorite online storefronts and simplifies the process. It’s like Shuffle for your shopping experience.


If programming languages were vehicles

A fun article on If programming languages were vehicles

If programming languages were vehicles   DesignRive

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