Clicking on a broken link is a pain, 404 pages serve to alert the visitor that the page they were trying to find no longer exists, and to (hopefully) redirect them to another part of your site. Here’s some of the awesome Creative 404 Error Page Designs for your site.

1. Waaark

2. Mixed Parts

3. Molovo

4. DudePerfect


6. Alex Pate

7. Rishi Mohan

8. Bjango

9. Gavin Anthony

10. Paul Kinchla

11. Bloomberg

12. Pure Pleasure Design

13. Jack Magma

14. VictorOps

15. Rachit Gupta

16. BluePath

17. Kualo

18. The Useless Web Index

19. Dan Woodger

20. Figma

21. Hot Dot

22. Airbnb

23. MailChimp

24. GitHub

25. CSS Ninjas

26. Blue Daniel

27. Emirates

28. Tinsanity

29. Audiko

30. Worrydream

31. Shutterstock

32. Homestar Runner

33. Duoh

34. Bitly

35. Dropbox

36. Limpfish

37. Blizzard

38. Magnt

39. CSS-Tricks

40. Hugo Franca

41. Postbox

42. Ologie

43. Gog

44. Astuteo

45. BrandCrowd

46. Grant Burke

47. Moveline

48. Hoppermagic

49. IconFinder

50. HubSpot

51. InVision

52. UXPin

53. Foursquare

54. Designer News

55. Slanted Hall

56. Marvel App

57. Larkef

58. Gradle

59. GetRevue

60. Slack

61. Castle

62. Litmus

63. Fork CMS

64. Zurb Foundation

65. Fusion

66. A List Apart

67. IfolderLinks

68. iStock

69. Fluther

70. Atspace

71. Zanami

72. Kikk Festival

73. Jackrabbit

74. Vasamuseet

75. Agens

76. Good Dog Design

77. 1minus1

78. Stickermule

79. Shamballa Jewels

80. CoolApps(e)

81. Harbr Co

82. Convoy Interactive

83. Subsign

84. Hashrocket

85. Howlt

86. Herrlich Media

87. Hatched London

88. RSQ

89. I love the icons

90. Netiko

91. Okostroy

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