Adobe Photoshop is the most powerful platform for the designers. However, you can enhance the productivity and features of the Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop supports external plugins that enhance its capabilities. Here we have listed the most popular Photoshop extensions that every designer will love to have. You will be able to work faster and more productively using these amazing extensions of Adobe Photoshop.

1. Craft

Craft is a suite of plugins for Photoshop and Sketch that help streamline your design workflow by automating tedious actions and pulling in more realistic sample data.

Craft consists of the following tools:

  • Duplicate
  • Library
  • Data
  • Sync
  • Freehand
  • Prototype
  • Stock

Read more on: Using Craft
Demo and Download

2. GuideGuide

GuideGuide is an intelligent extension that helps you easily set guides for the design. Every feature works with your document, artboard, and even your current selection so that you can add—or remove—exactly the guides you want. GuideGuide supports multiple columns, universal or individual margins (including negative margins), and you can save your favorites as a set for easy use later on.

Read more on: GuideGuide Documentation
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3. 1170px Bootstrap Grid

If you are planning to use Bootstrap Framework in any of your projects, You might want to use this Free Bootstrap based Grid System. Its based on the Bootstrap 3 ‘s 1170px Grid with 1440px of content area. Column width is 68px and Gutter width is 30px. (left 15px and right 15px).

Also read: Bootstrap Grid System Photoshop Action – 1170px

4. Font Awesome PS

Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. This also brings all those awesome icons into an easy-to-access Photoshop panel.

Read more on Font Awesome
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5. Fontea

Fontea is a plugin for Adobe Photoshop that’s designed to bring the extensive font library from Google Fonts right into the app so that you can easily preview and use in your work. The plugin has been crafted by Source. You can even search for the fonts by name or browse categories if needed.

Read more on Source store
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6. Random User Generator

Random User Generator is a Free Photoshop extension that helps you generate a Random user profile with just a single click. It lets you easily drag and drop random users into your PSD. It works with the help of RandomUser API.

Read more on Randomuser
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7. Lorem Ipsum Generator

With this plugin, you can customize options to generate words, sentences or paragraphs with a simple click. It is a simple and lightweight native Adobe extension that provides adapted options to generate words.
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8. Transform Each

Transform Each is a nice feature from Illustrator that is missing in Photoshop. It allows you to transform groups of layers, as it was transformed individually. It feels great when you’re able to resize, rotate and reposition multiple elements without having to reposition each one each time. It also has the option to scale styles and constrain proportions.
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9. CSS3Ps

CSS3Ps – free cloud based photoshop plugin that converts your layers to CSS3 styles. CSS3Ps plugin supports multiple layers, vendor prefixes for cross-browser compatibility, SASS, and SCSS. It also supports styles such as border radius, gradient overlay, bevel and emboss, stroke, shadow, and glow, satin and more.
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10. Renamy

Renamy – multiple layers renaming Photoshop plugin. This amazing time saver plugin allows you to rename multiple layers at the same time, use find and replace in naming layers, live name filtering and autocompleting from a list of used names. This is an essential tool for easy name changes and editing.

Read more on Renamy
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11. Size Marks

Size Marks is a helpful Photoshop script for web designers and front-end engineers. This script converts rectangular marquee to labeled measurement mark. Landscape marquee → horizontal mark. Portrait or Square marquee → vertical mark.
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12. LayerCraft

LayerCraft is a Photoshop plugin to export UI assets from layers. Your design must be based on 1x (mdpi). Also, your design must totally be a vector. Turn your live shapes into regular path.
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13. Composer

Composer is a great plugin that allows you to perform the same operation on multiple layers simultaneously. Composer helps you edit, manage and update multiple layers by just single click. It gives you a total control over making changes in a specific layer and changing its position and visibility without affecting any other design layer. You can edit the document using these four commands: Update layer style, Update position, Update visibility and Update all.
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14. Layrs Control 2

Layrs Control 2 is a collection of 7 scripts that make your layering work on Photoshop that much easier. It is a practical solution for layer management and will be handy especially when working on complex design projects with tons of layers to deal with. It provides 7 main features, including renaming layers and folders, removing unused effects to optimize your project, flattening all layers effects, throwing away empty layers and rasterizing smart objects. On top of that, you can also convert layers into individual smart objects and find similarly named files and folders.
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15. Ditto

Ditto allows Photoshop to the use of variables for things like colors, text, font sizes, and visibility. It supports variables for fill colors, strings of text including special characters, visibility, font sizes, font family, font colors, line heights, X position and Y position.

Read more on: Creating variables in Ditto
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PAID Photoshop Plugins:

16. WebZap

Update: They stopped developing Photoshop plugins, WebZap, DevRocket, PixelDropr, JetPack and Glifo. Anyone purchased those photoshop plugins still get access to them via your UI Store account for the next 12 months from April 2018.

WebZap is a plugin that provides Photoshop with additional tools and functionalities that are designed to assist web developers with their mockup and UI design workflow. You can also generate lorem ipsum text in a range of pre-made layouts.

Read more on: What Is WebZap?
Buy Now @ $19

17. CSS Hat 2

CSS Hat is a Photoshop Plugin that lets you easily translate layer styles into CSS. Just select any layer and the code will appear in the panel. It even works when you select multiple layers – you will get the CSS code with the selector for each layer. CSS Hat outputs pure standards-based CSS3 (and optionally vendor-prefixed properties for all major browsers), LESS, SASS and Stylus. You can also create your custom templates for your preferred languages.

Read more on: What can CSS Hat do?
Buy Now @ $39.99

18. SpecKing

SpecKing is a Photoshop plugin that provides tools to generate design specs and annotations. Making the design specs in Photoshop can be a real time-consuming task. SpecKing simplifies this process and lets you instantly measure any sizes, margins, and font properties in any PSD file.

Read more on SpecKing
Buy Now @ $24


So, these are some Photoshop Plugins that make the designer’s life easier. Are you using any of these plugins? If yes, let us know your experience in the comment box below. If you are yet to try these amazing Photoshop extensions, don’t wait. Just give it a try. What are the other extensions that you use to make design fast and elegant? Let us know in the comments.

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