If you think that after the emergence of the mobile app industry, the web designing is losing out the race, reconsider your decision. Yes, it’s true that people have drawn towards mobile apps, but the websites are still offering relevant and important information to wide ranging audiences worldwide. Therefore, if you want to entice your potential customers, an eye-grabbing and embellishing web design is what you need to focus at.

You need to understand the fact that web design is one of the major success drivers of your website. According to a research, nearly 48% of people view that it is website design that draws their attention and ensures the business reliability. The result is that it influences the decision of the customers when they are willing to buy a product or avail a service.

Therefore, if you are willing to bolster the traffic towards your web page then following these proven techniques will land your project in the success zone.

Speed and Performance Should Top the Priority List

In today’s age of technological progress, it’s become quite evident that people are looking for accuracy, best-in-class performance and speed.

According to one of the surveys, the speed and performance of the web page can increase the conversion rate of the customers or even churn the users out. So, the choice is yours; don’t compromise with the speed of your web page while designing it.

If the website is operating at a slow pace, it tends to frustrate the users and remember they have plethora of options. They won’t take a moment to walk out of the site and search for some other page. In fact, even the search engines like Google give a lot of preference to the speed while ranking a site.

Simplicity is the Best Answer

Usually people visit websites to find specific information about the products or services. After identifying the key objective of designing a website, you should get down for providing the relevant information that people might find useful and worthy. You should keep the design simple and avoid complexity.
Even a study from Google says that users like the design simple but attractive. Thus, you can consider on the following important aspects such as the sidebar and the standard layouts.

It is recommended to avoid the sidebar and opt for the column design, which will reduce the distraction of the users and they can clearly focus on the content. Secondly, you need to opt for the standard layouts, which mean follow the popular design trends and layouts.

Avoid Using the Flash Graphics

If you are designing a website for your business enterprise, it has to be strictly professional. There should be no glittering pictures or the flash graphics. This is purely a misconception that the use of flash graphics would increase the beauty of the website.

Give your web page a pleasant and decent look. Don’t add any music piece to your website unless very necessary and it suffices the demand of the site. But it should be turned off by default. The music also shouldn’t be loud and irritating.

Importance of the Folds in Web Design

You need to be aware of the fact that the folds play a crucial role in the web designing and so you cannot take it for granted. As per the stats, about 57% of the audiences spend their time above the fold in 2018. This means you need to give due importance to content and make use of the available space intelligently to engage the users on the web page. Here’s what you can do to leverage the folds.

  • Firstly, ensure that the content is clearly visible and has a descriptive headline. You need to inform your visitors what your site is all about and how this would benefit them. Don’t elongate the information.
  • Maximize the use of call to actions. It again should be clearly visible for increasing the chances of converting rate.
  • Use of relevant images and videos will further hike the traffic of the web page as you would be illustrating your products and services more precisely.

Link your Homepage

You need to help your site visitors at every step so that they can come to the homepage directly from any webpage. So, it would be better to provide a link for your homepage on each page of your site. It would allow the visitors to quickly return to the starting point. Not having a homepage link can at times confuse the visitors and they would leave the site.

Scrolling is better than Clicking

Once the content of the website is compressed into the sliders and the accordions, the best and attractive way to present is using a single long page. Believe it or not, this strategy will definitely work.

The biggest advantage is that the visitors will not be required to navigate five to six pages and visit each section separately. Instead, they can access all the information at one place. So, the moral of the story is choosing scrolling over clicking.

In fact, the Crazy Egg conducted a case study where they designed a web page that was 20 times longer than the original in comparison to the simple short sales page. The result that they got was overwhelming as the conversion rate surged by 30%. So, we can say that scrolling is proving to be more effective than clicking.

Use of the Colors in Web Design

It is important to choose the appropriate color palate and stick to it. In addition, you should also aim to improve the industrial landscape in color. It must be noted that colors have an impact on the human emotions. Try to adopt a simplistic approach by using simple and eye-pleasing colors. It is essential to pick the color according to the theme or business that website describes.

For instance, if you are dealing in online garments, choosing vibrant hues will be a good option.

Designing the Social Media Buttons

Social Media Platforms play a decisive role in marketing your website and generating more traffic to your website. You can use as many social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Whatsapp, which is available on the web page too.

However, you need to design the buttons of only those social media platforms on which your business is actively posting the updates. This is one area where you can also showcase your products and ask people to send their valuable feedback.

Choose Original Design over Templates

One of the obvious questions considered in the web designing industry is whether one should go with original designs or use the templates instead. Using the attractive templates is not a bad idea to begin with but if you want your website to show fruitful outcome and engage more customers, then one would recommend choosing the original design.

One of the other benefits of availing an original web design is that you can get it customized according to the needs of the business.

Avoid Using Carousels, Sliders, Tabs and Accordions

This is also one issue which the web designers find perplexing on whether to use the carousels, tabs, sliders, and accordions. If you were to ask an expert they would normally suggest you to avoid them.

Why? It’s because the visitors visit just one or two slides or tabs and the rest remains unseen. This is what we can say after viewing the research data of the Notre Dame University. It says that 90% of the visitors view the first slide and nobody cares about the rest.

Let’s Wrap Up

When you are designing a web page there are various methods and ideas that you can implement. However, it all depends on what kind of website you are designing. Another important aspect is following the latest trends and techniques that keep on changing.

You can use visual cues to instantly direct the attention or make use of real individual in picture to easily connect with your audiences. There are some websites that may require incorporating animations as well. In fact, web designing is a vast area, which is not limited to any particular technique. It offers the designers the opportunity to exhibit their creativity and originality.

Author Bio

Mehul Rajput is a CEO and co-founder of Mindinventory, a leading app development company that provide web and mobile app solutions from startup to enterprise level company. He’s an avid blogger and writes on latest technologies, startup and business.

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