Hmm.. I know this is a hard question in the Responsive Era. Responsive design lets your website compatible in all devices. Still some of the clients are asking to disable the feature just because it is not working like what they expect. When the pages, contents and elements are more than natural, it will be very difficult to manage across the devices. Sometimes the website may look Ugly in mobile devices because of responsiveness.

Personally I really like Responsive designs. Moreover, I suggest you to fix the bugs ASAP and return to the world of Responsive design. An experienced HTML developer may help you.

So, here is the simple trick to disable responsiveness of a website permanently or temporarily.

Step 1

Please find the below code in your HTML especially in <head> section

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Step 2

Comment the line with <!–  –> comment tag or remove the line completely

Step 3

That’s it. Save your file and Check it on any devices.

P.S: please note that this trick work only for mobile devices, but the responsiveness may still appear in Web browsers.

If you fed up with responsive design and do not want any more, then you have to find @media {…} in your CSS files and delete the CSS inside it. Now there is no more responsiveness.

If you have any suggestion, please let me know in comments. Do not forget to share it if you like it.

Photo Credit: CC Johan Larsson from 500px 

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